Saturday, November 29, 2008

Mission Statement

Mark Twain once wrote, “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” While studying in Scotland and traveling throughout Europe two years ago, my mother sent me a letter inscribed with Twain’s words. At that moment in my life I struggled to define my place in the world. I contemplated the way in which I wanted to lead my life. Meditating on these questions, I came up with a list of personal ideals. I decided that I did not want to have a run-of-the-mill, nine-to-five, live my life on the weekends, type of life. I want to engage my passions. Whether it’s at work or recreation, I want whatever I am doing to resonate with my idea of happiness. This is not to say that I wish to be a hedonist. Rather, I hope to appreciate each experience in the moment, and not indulge in the fantasy of future happiness.

Additionally I indentified my love for unique, original experience that comes with traveling. Whether it was attending a yodeling concert in a Swiss village cut in the Alps or losing all my possessions in Amsterdam, traveling wrote the stories that made my narrative one worth reading. In that spirit, I decided to spend my first winter out of college traveling in South America. In just over a week I will be leaving my quiet life on the island of Nantucket and flying into Buenos Aires, Argentina. While ideas of where and what do exist, I have no set itinerary. I am a true believer that the experiences which define any trip cannot be planned. Rather one must be a tumbleweed and allow the trade winds of fate to carry you. Life is an artistic opportunity. It is the grandest canvas. My ultimate hope is that when I am old and tired, I can sit back contentedly and admire the memories of a beautiful masterpiece.


  1. Rob-- excellent start to the journey!! I will look forward to reading all the upcoming installations. Pete said, in a word, 'GRIPPING.' We both think you have a future in adventure writing. The intro is already written; just keep persisting and keep the chronicle rolling. I had always fantasized about being a travel writer but didn't have the commitment to the writing part... (something I realized was kind of important). Pete also said that your talent for art is heard through your written words. Inspiring. I am envious of your upcoming adventure... we'll be here, living vicariously through you-- live it good!! be smart ...

  2. good look robbie love burnsy

  3. i'm totally gunna stalk this and you know it.
    love you and be careful :)

  4. I knew you'd do it Rbbie, getting away and traveling alone, you really find yourself (sounds corny but its so true) there's nothing better than waking up in the morning, realising you are in a foreign country and you have no idea what that day will bring, it truly is the best thing in the whole world. I want to keep doing this for as long as humanely possible. I've been away now for almost 4 months and they have been the best 4 months of my life.
    Good luck Robbie, savour every second, i know you will have the time of your life.

  5. Hey man.... I try to imagine where you will be in the fine southern "Americas" when you find yourself reading a greeting from your fine old home town. What might be the setting? Will you be tired, hungry, sated, disoriented, euphoric......all the above? I WILL THINK OF YOU OFTEN I AM SURE... and send some prayers for safety, joy, and good health, your way whenever it occurs to me to do so....

    much love......d

  6. Rob z, its wally begga, listen just have a sick trip and keep in touch. We'll see you in April my man. Keep it right.

  7. If you are finding yourself hungry for some music that is vaguely familiar .... not that "MY" playlist would resemble that description...navigate to..

    where two groups of mixes of mine reside......

    I just re-read your mission statement and it again blew me away!
    It is just plain, an honor to know you my dear Rob! d

  8. Hello my dear tumbleweed Boy,

    off you go into the wild blue yonder.....may you have peace in you heart...adventure in your soul...eyes filled with wonder and appreciation....happy trails to you until we meet again...

    Love you very much....Aunt Joanne

  9. Hello Rob,

    Uncle Tom & I just read your Monday Dec 17th blog...good fun following news, is that you are safe....Will you be meeting Halley for Christmas...or are you finished with the city for now?

    Love you....aunt Joanne

  10. Merry Christmas Joanne

    Robz merry christmas kid...markyz

    Merry Christmas Rob Dad and I love you very much and miss you so much...Mom

    Barny..keep the blog going because were going to publish it when you become famous and live off you for awhile
